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position diagram中文是什么意思

用"position diagram"造句"position diagram"怎么读"position diagram" in a sentence


  • 头寸图


  • The traditional solution to the problem is to plot the forecast position of typhoon center and the ship ' s position on the < < typhoon position diagram > > , to pay much attention to the relative position between the ship and typhoon , and the tendency of their movements , to consider the affects of all kinds of factors and leave enough room , to use the plotting method of geometric relative motion to figure out the course which the ship should take to keep away from typhoon on the small scale chart
  • In this paper , the author makes fully use of the rich theories of enterprise ’ s strategy planning and marketing strategy designing to thoroughly , deeply and systematically analyze market conditions of mingzuo chair industry company using swot matrix , position diagram , value chain theory , strategetic league theory , virtual enterprise theory and core competitiveness theory , etc . and put forward step - by - step developing goals as well as define enterprise ’ s orientation
用"position diagram"造句  
position diagram的中文翻译,position diagram是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译position diagram,position diagram的中文意思,position diagram的中文position diagram in Chineseposition diagram的中文position diagram怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。